Proteoglycan history in a closer look

May 21, 2021


Dear valued members

We are pleased to announce that the next video of the presidential webinar series is already out. This is the first one in a 3 video series featuring Proteoglycan- a miracle compound which was in the past unaffordable to most of us. One gram of Proteoglycan used to cost JPY 33 million equal to approximately USD 300 thousands.

So what was the reason for its growing availability nowadays? Let’s watch the video to find out the answer!

★The theme: The history of Proteoglycan mass production is the history of Biomatic Japan.
★Lecturer: Mr. Makoto Fujiwara, President and CEO of Thanks AI Co., Ltd.
★Release date: May 21st, 2021
★Delivery destination: Please visit Thanks AI’s official YouTube channel here for the president’ s webinar.

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