Update Notice for the 2+1 Campaign’s GIFT for 3M6M12M Orders Already Placed

May 22, 2024



Dear Valued Members,

Thank you for continuously promoting Thanks AI’s products and supporting our activities.

Regarding the “Notice of the 2+1 Campaign’s GIFT for 3M6M12M Orders Already Placed” that we posted on the 6th of this month, please be informed that there are changes to the specified time in this notice. We would like to update these changes and have marked them in red as shown below.

Regarding the 2+1 campaign in 2024, we would like to announce the following:

● For those who placed 3M6M12M orders before May 23rd, 2024, and meet the conditions of the 2+1 campaign: The 2+1 campaign present will be shipped together with your next product purchase if you satisfy the following additional condition:

  Fill out the attached application form and send it to NFR Customer Service (Email address:
  nfr@thanksai.jp) before making your next purchase.

  Application form to receive the 2+1 campaign present for NFR members: Click here. Note: If a
  member is revoked before making his/her next purchase, he/she will no longer be able to receive
  the 2+1 campaign present.

● For those who place orders from May 23rd, 2024 onwards and meet the conditions of the 2+1 campaign: You will receive the 2+1 campaign present together with your eligible order.

For detailed information about the 2+1 campaign, please refer to the link below:

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

If you have any issues that require support, please feel free to contact us.

Thank you & Best Regards
NFR Customer Service