Can I order NFR products over phone or FAX?
You can order NFR products after your membership registration from membership page (Back office). Only Web order is accepted and you cannot order by phone and Fax for NFR products.
You can order NFR products after your membership registration from membership page (Back office). Only Web order is accepted and you cannot order by phone and Fax for NFR products.
Customs and consumption tax is stipulated by each country. The customs rate is different for each country but the rough standard is from 0% to 30%. Please refer to your nearest Customs Bureau for more details.
The shipping costs are different according to the weight and the countries that are shipped to. The rough standard is from JPY 1,900 to JPY 3,600.
Customs and consumption tax might be charged when receiving the products and the custom rate and consumption tax rate are set by each countries. Please ask the delivery staff or refer to your nearest Custom Bureau for the questions about tax.
Yes. Products that you buy from NFR is only for personal use. It is prohibited to resell nor handover. Rough standard for the limitation is the amount that you can use within 2 months for one product per one purchase.
No. You cannot buy NFR products at officially opened countries. So you cannot buy products that have run out of stock in your country.
Yes. All the products that are sold at officially opened countries and at NFR program countries are covered as commission. Commission will be achieved by members if specific conditions in the Bonus Plan are met.
NFR stands for’ Not For Resale’ that means reselling the product is prohibited and it is only for personal use.